User-defined objective function with scalar and vector inputs

I am using Ipopt to write an optimization problem with a user-defined objective function that has 5 scalar inputs and one vector input. I define the objective function as likelihood((ρ,α,fB,fS,fO,δ…), where δ is the vector input with spatter syntax. Julia does not seem to accept this format, but I am not sure how to correct this error because 3 of the scalar variables have different upper bounds. Please see below for details:

My variables, constraint, and objective functions are defined as follows:

    @variables(model, begin
        0<=ρ<=1, (start=0.5, base_name = "rho")
        0<=α<=1, (start=0.6, base_name = "alpha")
        0<=fB<=10, (start = 0, base_name = "fB")
        0<=fS<=10, (start = 0, base_name = "fS")
        0<=fO<=10, (start = 0, base_name = "fO")
        0<=δ[i=1:n_delta]<=1, (start=0.5, base_name = "delta$i")
    @constraint(model, con, α - ρ >= 0.001)
    register(model, :likelihood, n_parameter, likelihood; autodiff = true)
    @NLobjective(model, Min, likelihood(ρ,α,fB,fS,fO,δ...))

The user-defined objective function is:

function likelihood(ρ,α,fB,fS,fO,δ...)
    df ="data_estimation.csv", DataFrame; header=true);
    n = nrow(df)
    contributions = zeros(n,1);
    for i = 1:n
        k = df.owner[i];
        θb = df.b_ln_prod[i];
        θs = df.s_ln_prod[i];
        b_idx = df.b_delta[i];
        s_idx = df.s_delta[i];
        δb = δ[b_idx];
        δs = δ[s_idx];
        βB = 0.5 + 0.5*δb^α;
        βS = 0.5 - 0.5*δs^α;
        βO = 0.5;
        ψB = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βB)*(βB*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βB))*((1-βB)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βB*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βB)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
        ψS = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βS)*(βS*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βS))*((1-βS)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βS*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βS)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
        ψO = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βO)*(βO*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βO))*((1-βO)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βO*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βO)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
        contributions[i] = ((k=="b" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψB-fB))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO))
                            +(k=="s" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψS-fS))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO))
                            +(k=="n" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψO-fO))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO)))
    return - sum(log.(contributions))

When trying to optimize the model, I receive an error message saying

“MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{JuMP.var”#136#138"{typeof(likelihood)}, Float64}, Float64, 12})"

The element type of this vector is Float64. See ForwardDiff cannot assign ForwardDiff.Dual to input array.

Thanks. I changed the function to below. Thought it had worked, but it did not. I get the following error message now:

TypeError: in typeassert, expected Float64, got a value of type Int64

I don’t know where the error is…

    function likelihood(ρ,α,fB,fS,fO,δ...)
        df ="data_estimation.csv", DataFrame; header=true);
        n = nrow(df);
        sum = 0
        for i = 1:n
            k = df.owner[i];
            θb = df.b_ln_prod[i];
            θs = df.s_ln_prod[i];
            b_idx = df.b_delta[i];
            s_idx = df.s_delta[i];
            δb = δ[b_idx];
            δs = δ[s_idx];
            βB = 0.5 + 0.5*δb^α;
            βS = 0.5 - 0.5*δs^α;
            βO = 0.5;
            ψB = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βB)*(βB*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βB))*((1-βB)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βB*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βB)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
            ψS = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βS)*(βS*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βS))*((1-βS)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βS*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βS)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
            ψO = α^(α/(1-α))*((1-α*βO)*(βO*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+(1-α*(1-βO))*((1-βO)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))/((βO*θb)^(ρ/(1-ρ))+((1-βO)*θs)^(ρ/(1-ρ)))^((ρ-α)/(ρ*(1-α)));
            temp = ((k=="b" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψB-fB))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO))
                    +(k=="s" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψS-fS))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO))
                    +(k=="n" ? 1 : 0)*(exp(ψO-fO))/(exp(ψB-fB)+exp(ψS-fS)+exp(ψO-fO)))
            sum = sum + log(temp)
        return -sum

I think your function has to return a Float64 instead of an Int. Try this:

# These shouldn't be inside the function or you have to read the 
# data frame _every_ time it gets called!!!
const df ="data_estimation.csv", DataFrame; header=true)
const n = nrow(df)

function likelihood(ρ::T, α::T, fB::T, fS::T, fO::T, δ::T...) where {T}
    sum = zero(T)
    for i in 1:n
        # ...
    return -sum

Also: please read Please read: make it easier to help you. It’s easier to help if you post a minimal working example demonstrating the error.

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Thanks! Will give MWE a try next time. Your correction totally worked. The only thing is that adding const in front of df generates the following error message:

LoadError: syntax: unsupported const declaration on local variable around .jl file

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If the variable is inside another function, you don’t need const.

You only need to avoid non-const global variables at the top level. Read:

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