Uninstalling julia completely

I am trying to uninstall and then reinstall julia entirely as I had issues similar to this one using Atom/Juno.

I followed the steps I could find online, as described in the second section here. I also tried to find related files and deleted the manually.

However, while I do the steps again it tells me that ‘no package julia is installed’, when I type ‘julia’ in a terminal, it still starts the REPL. I noticed that it starts an old version of julia, 1.0.4. (Though it cannot find some basic packages that were previously installed, such as Plots).

How can I make sure that everything is uninstalled so that I can try to freshly reinstall julia and hopefully not have the same problems?


What is your platform? On Windows I can locate the various versions under AppData, and remove them manually if need be.


You can go to Juno settings and see the julia.exe path (on Windows). Then uninstall from there. Please keep in mind that all packages are usually under C:/Users/username/.julia. So if you really want a clean setup, you need to delete that .julia folder.
EDIT: now I saw you said terminal. You can type where julia if you are on Windows to get the path to the executable.

In terminal
‘rm -rf ~/.julia’

I think the OP was complaining about extraneous executables of Julia.
On Windows these are typically in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia\Julia-1.4.0, or C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia 1.5.0-DEV


Hey guys, I’m on Ubuntu 18. I run this command as suggested rm -rf ~/.julia but still I have the same problem. (I already ran that before).Selection_389


in ~./Julia/ directory are config files and installed packages.

Julia installation is in different directory. Look into you PATH in .bashrc.
For example, I have Julia installed (unpacked) directly in the home directory ~/julia-1.3.1

Use command:

which julia

Try which julia in the terminal.

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Indeed, this worked. It was in /snap/bin/julia. Thanks!