Unexpected input on Julia Repl in VSCode

When I open my Julia project and start Julia Repl via pressing “Alt+J Alt+O”, following commands always appear automatically, I want to know how to stop this. Thanks in advance!

julia> E:/Codesoftwares/anaconda3/Scripts/activate
ERROR: syntax: "/" is not a unary operator
 [1] top-level scope
   @ none:1

julia> conda activate base
ERROR: syntax: extra token "activate" after end of expression
 [1] top-level scope
   @ none:1

That is not the normal behavior. Could it be that you “User Settings (JSON)” have specific configurations which try to activate Anaconda in all terminals?

(On Windows, it is a bit difficult to get Anaconda to work. It seems that you should move some commands into the “python” specific settings.)


Thank you both @SteffenPL @pfitzseb very much! The incorrect input disappeared immediately after adjusting the setting.json ! But I also want to make sure that this change of setting means that my python environment will not automatically be activated when I open VSCode, isn’t it? Thanks again!

Thanks a lot - I have had this problem too and didn’t understand how to fix it - until now.