Hi, I have a package that I develop locally and which has a few dependencies, and I don’t understand why I get so many debug messages “rejecting cache file …” when loading it (which, I guess, also increases the loading time). I precise that this happens even when I do not modify anything. E.g.: I load julia, I load my module with “using MyModule” in the REPL, I exit the REPL, I re-enter the REPL, I re-run “using MyModule”… and plenty of such messages. Is basically see 3 types of such messages:
┌ Debug: Rejecting cache file […].ji because it is for file […]SomePackage/SomeHash/src/[…]) not file […]SomePackage/SomeOtherHash/src/[…] └ @ Base loading.jl:1480
┌ Debug: Rejecting cache file […] because module […] is already loaded and incompatible. └ @ Base loading.jl:1448
┌ Debug: Rejecting cache file […].ji because dependency […] not found. └ @ Base loading.jl:1454
Could someone explain me what is likely to trigger such messages? I’m not sure to really understand what it means. I understand that in a “normal” workflow, loading other packages before/after can invalidate some cached files, but here I don’t get it. I tried to stay in the basic environment for simplicity, and not to load anything else. I usually have in my startup file “using Statistics, LinearAlgebra, Revise”, but I even tried to remove that and it does not seems to change anything. (And I’m using julia 1.5.3)