Something that has been happening to me for awhile is that, every once in awhile, I have things no working due to this kind of precompilation error:
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/crackauc/.julia/lib/v0.5/DataStructures.ji for module DataStructures.
WARNING: Module Compat with uuid 1020441384454244 is missing from the cache.
This may mean module Compat does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.
ERROR: LoadError: Declaring __precompile__(false) is not allowed in files that are being precompiled.
in macro expansion; at ./none:2 [inlined]
in anonymous at ./<missing>:?
while loading /home/crackauc/.julia/v0.5/DataStructures/src/DataStructures.jl, in expression starting on line 5
It usually ends up with Compat being the problem (and I would be surprised if it really is?), while sometimes it’s other packages. Sometimes there are two packages which both precompile and require Compat, but one gives this error and the other does not. Sometimes I wait a day or Pkg.update()
with nothing really happening, but it magically disappears.
Does anyone know what’s going on here? Is there a quick fix (a cache to delete)?