Unable to reinstall release channel with Juliaup

I was using Julia 1.10 in the release channel, and I updated it to 1.11. However, this version was giving me some problems with precompiling packages, so I wanted to downgrade to 1.10.
I used juliaup add 1.10 to add the 1.10 channel and then deleted the release channel. Now I’m trying to reinstall the release channel but it won’t let me. I get this:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> juliaup add release
Installing Julia 1.11.0+0.x64.w64.mingw32
Error: Failed to extract downloaded file from url `https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/winnt/x64/1.11/julia-1.11.0-win64.tar.gz`.

Caused by:
    0: failed to unpack `julia-1.11.0/share/julia/base/abstractarray.jl` into `C:\Users\missa\.julia\juliaup\julia-1.11.0+0.x64.w64.mingw32\share\julia\base\abstractarray.jl`
    1: Acceso denegado. (os error 5)

It says “access denied” even though I’m running PowerShell as admin. I’m on Windows 10 and I’m using Juliaup version 1.17.4.

Solved. After deleting the 1.11 folder manually from file explorer (C:\Users\[user]\.julia\juliaup), I ran juliaup add release and it worked.