I am trying to use the “InteractiveDynamics” package for Visualizing Agents model in Julia 1.5.3. using this code:
using Agents
using Random
using AbstractPlotting
using GLMakie
using CairoMakie
using MakieGallery
using Pkg; Pkg.add(“InteractiveDynamics”)
but I get this error. I downloaded all packages needed, does it need me to upgrade my julia version?
March 21, 2021, 4:28pm
The log tells you that MakieGallery requires an outdated version of AbstractPlotting while InteractiveDynamics needs a newer version.
If you visit the GitHub page of MakieGallery.jl, you see the following text:
MakieGallery is deprecated. Testing got moved to AbstractPlotting, and the Makie documentation contains now important examples.
So I guess you should drop MakieGallery and find out where the functions you require moved to.
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Hi, Thank you so much! the package I am after is "InteractiveDynamics”. that is why I downloaded the other packages like MakieGallery in the first place. When I use
Pkg.status(“InteractiveDynamics”) which is what the agent documentation mentions here: https://juliadynamics.github.io/Agents.jl/stable/interact/
I get this error
March 21, 2021, 5:04pm
This works only after a successful Pkg.add("InteractiveDynamics")
If you don’t have an immediate use for MakieGallery, you should Pkg.rm("MakieGallery")
and then try Pkg.add("InteractiveDynamics")
again. Good luck
March 21, 2021, 5:42pm
MakieGallery serves no purpose for end users, it was used for internal tests and the gallery of course, but now a lot of it is outdated
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March 21, 2021, 8:36pm
with Julia 1.5.4. ( Linux )
I used:
Pkg.add(name=“AbstractPlotting”, version=“0.15.27”);
Pkg.pin(name=“AbstractPlotting”, version=“0.15.27”)