I’m working on a package that is generated using BinaryBuilder.
The generated package is hosted on a company internal GitHub server. Due to access permissions/restrictions, Julia is unable to download the “Release tarballs” when given the url in the package repl.
This is true even for wget/curl. To download the “Release” tarballs, curl needs a GitHub token for authentication.
Is it possible to modify the url in the Artifacts.toml file or any other file to help with authentication to test/demo the package?
Or is there some other, simpler way to achieve the same result?
Ive tried with both https/git options when adding the package in the REPL, and they end up downloading the repo without issues. The problem only arises when Julia tries to download the release tarballs which are part of the Release generated by BinaryBuilder. It ends up downloading an HTML page (probably the response from the redirect on the GH Release link, not sure) instead of the tarballs. This causes a hash mismatch error
Downloading artifact: <ARTIFACT_NAME>
┌ Error: Hash Mismatch!
│ Expected sha256: <HASH IN ARTIFACT TOML>
│ Calculated sha256: <HASH OF HTML PAGE DOWNLOADED>
Failure artifact: <ARTIFACT_NAME>
ERROR: Unable to automatically download/install artifact '<ARTIFACT_NAME>' from sources listed in '/path/to/Artifacts.toml'.