What is the recommended way to download and extract some binaries and build a simple Julia wrapper package around it? I read the excellent blog post on the artifact system, but it is still unclear how to proceed. In particular:
Should I touch binary builder at all? I do not really want to build something, just download and extract.
Where should the “build script” live? Just in the main package, or should there be a jll package?
I would like to be able to load and maybe save .dhall files from Julia. Implementing .dhall in Julia is too much work, so I would like to call existing tools, that translate .dhall to JSON under the hood.
So what needs to be done is to download and extract these tools.
Oh, I’ve just seen it’s Haskell. Well, we haven’t used BinaryBuilder to build Haskell stuff, the only one who tried so far has been @oxinabox, but I think he had some problems back then
The problem is Stack (a Haskell build tool) won’t work with musl.
( there is an issue on there GitHub, where they are basically like “Yep, its true. Don’t think we will ever have time to fix that”)
@giordano was saying there is now a way to run BinaryBuilder for at least some platforms that does not use musl so that could work.
Thanks for the reply. I think I do not want to build anything at all (Or is there a reason not to simply reuse the binaries provided by the Dhall maintainers?). I think I want something much more simple. Namely download + extract binaries. My question is what is the recommended way to organize this? Will it involve BinaryBuilder/jll/Yggdrasil or do I just add a build script to my package?