Trying to add kernels for Gaussian Process

I want to add two kernels for my Gaussian Process, I am using GaussianProcesses.jl . Can somebody give me an example of adding two kernels for a GP.

The two kernels I am trying to add are:
Periodic + Noise

using GaussianProcesses
using Random

# Training data
n=10;                          #number of training points
x = 2π * rand(n);              #predictors
y = sin.(x) + 0.05*randn(n); 

mZero = MeanZero()            
kern1 = Periodic(1.0, 1.0, 1.5, [1.5: 10])      
kern2 = Noise(0.01)
kern = kern1+k2           
gp = GP(x,y,mZero, kern, 0)     

Edit: I have figured out the issue: In kern1 = Periodic(1.0, 1.0, 1.5, [1.5: 10]), the parameters setup was wrong, however, can somebody help, for Periodic Kernel the parameters that I want to setup is: ll::Real : length scale = 1.0, lσ::Real = 1.0 and lp::Real : periodicity parameter, for a range from 1.5 to 10.0