AGP with linear predictors

Continuing my experiments from another thread using the suggestion of @theogf, I have some code using AGP. With a single predictor I can fit:

using AugmentedGaussianProcesses
const AGP = AugmentedGaussianProcesses
using Distributions
using CairoMakie
using ThreadsX
using DataFrames
using StatsModels
using GLM

N = 1000
σ = 1.0
df = let
    a = randn(N)
    b = randn(N)
    c = randn(N)
    ϵ = σ * randn(N)
    x = [a b c]
    t = 5rand(N)
    β = [.1, .2, .3]
    y = x * β .+ sin.(t) .+ ϵ
    sort(DataFrame(;a,b,c,t,y), :t)

lm(@formula(y ~ a + b + c + sin(t)), df)

fig = Figure(resolution=(1000,2000))
scatter!(df.t, df.y, markersize=2)
lines!(df.t, sin.(df.t))


Ms = [4, 8, 16,];

kernel = SqExponentialKernel() + PeriodicKernel()

@time models = do num_inducing
    m = SVGP(
        reshape(df.t, (nrow(df),1)),
        df.y, # First arguments are the input and output
        kernel, # Kernel
        GaussianLikelihood(σ), # Likelihood used
        AnalyticVI(), # Inference usede to solve the problem
        num_inducing; # Number of inducing points used
        optimiser=false, # Keep kernel parameters fixed
        Zoptimiser=false, # Keep inducing points locations fixed
    @time train!(m, 100) # Train the model for 100 iterations


@time for (i, (m, model)) in enumerate(zip(Ms, models))
    Axis(fig[i,1], title=string(m))
    n_grid = 40
    mins = minimum(df.t)
    maxs = maximum(df.t)
    x_grid = range(mins, maxs; length=n_grid)
    y_grid, sig_y_grid = proba_y(model, reshape(x_grid, :, 1))
    band!(x_grid, y_grid .- 2 * sqrt.(sig_y_grid), y_grid .+ 2 * sqrt.(sig_y_grid))
    scatter!(df.t, df.y, markersize=4, strokewidth=0, color=:black)
    scatter!.(vec(model.f[1].Z), Ref(zeros(dim(model.f[1]))); color=:orange, markersize=4, strokewidth=0)


I would like to know if it’s possible to fit with multiple predictors. I don’t see docs about it in AGP, so I just guessed :slight_smile: . Currently I get

ERROR: LoadError: DimensionMismatch("Dimensions of the inputs are not matching : a = 2, b = 2, r = 1")
 [1] _evaluate(::KernelFunctions.Sinus{Float64}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true})
using AugmentedGaussianProcesses
const AGP = AugmentedGaussianProcesses
using Distributions
using CairoMakie
using ThreadsX
using DataFrames
using StatsModels
using GLM

N = 1000
σ = 1.0
df = let
    a = randn(N)
    b = randn(N)
    c = randn(N)
    ϵ = σ * randn(N)
    x = [a b c]
    t = 5rand(N)
    β = [.1, .2, .3]
    y = x * β .+ sin.(t) .+ ϵ
    sort(DataFrame(;a,b,c,t,y), :t)

lm(@formula(y ~ a + b + c + sin(t)), df)

fig = Figure(resolution=(1000,2000))
scatter!(df.t, df.y, markersize=2)
lines!(df.t, sin.(df.t))


Ms = [4, 8, 16,];

kernel = SqExponentialKernel() * PeriodicKernel()
X = Matrix(df[:, [:t, :a ]])
@time models = map(Ms) do num_inducing
    m = SVGP(
        df.y, # First arguments are the input and output
        kernel, # Kernel
        GaussianLikelihood(σ), # Likelihood used
        AnalyticVI(), # Inference usede to solve the problem
        num_inducing; # Number of inducing points used
        optimiser=false, # Keep kernel parameters fixed
        Zoptimiser=false, # Keep inducing points locations fixed
    @time train!(m, 100) # Train the model for 100 iterations


@time for (i, (m, model)) in enumerate(zip(Ms, models))
    Axis(fig[i,1], title=string(m))
    n_grid = 40
    mins = minimum(df.t)
    maxs = maximum(df.t)
    x_grid = range(mins, maxs; length=n_grid)
    y_grid, sig_y_grid = proba_y(model, reshape(x_grid, :, 1))
    band!(x_grid, y_grid .- 2 * sqrt.(sig_y_grid), y_grid .+ 2 * sqrt.(sig_y_grid))
    scatter!(df.t, df.y, markersize=4, strokewidth=0, color=:black)
    scatter!.(vec(model.f[1].Z), Ref(zeros(dim(model.f[1]))); color=:orange, markersize=4, strokewidth=0)


I think I want something like y = \beta_1 a + \beta_2 b + \beta_3 c + \text{GP}(t). If I understand right, it’s possible to express the linear terms as GPs too, using linear kernels.

ERROR: LoadError: DimensionMismatch("Dimensions of the inputs are not matching : a = 2, b = 2, r = 1")

This error message (which could be definitely improved), tells you that the r parameter you gave to your PeriodicKernel should be 2 dimensional to match the size of your inputs.

Yes that should definitely be possible. You can compose kernels by using the KernelTensorProduct to use different kernels for each dimension.

Is this close?

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching slices(::OptimIP{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true},ColVecs{Float64,Array{Float64,2},SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true}},KmeansIP{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true},ColVecs{Float64,Array{Float64,2},SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}},Int64},true}}},Nothing})
using AugmentedGaussianProcesses
using KernelFunctions

N = 1000
σ = 1.0

df = let
a = randn(N)
b = randn(N)
c = randn(N)
ϵ = σ * randn(N)
x = [a b c]
t = 5rand(N)
β = [.1, .2, .3]
y = x * β .+ sin.(t) .+ ϵ

kernel = LinearKernel() ⊗ SqExponentialKernel()

X = [df.a df.t]

m = SVGP(
        df.y, # First arguments are the input and output
        kernel, # Kernel
        GaussianLikelihood(σ), # Likelihood used
        AnalyticVI(), # Inference usede to solve the problem
        4; # Number of inducing points used
        optimiser=false, # Keep kernel parameters fixed
        Zoptimiser=false, # Keep inducing points locations fixed
@time train!(m, 100) # Train the model for 100 iterations

Oh I see! That’s a useful bug :slight_smile: It’s because of the implementation of InducingPoints.jl. I think that should be easily solvable.