Im trying to create a triangulation (triangle Plot) plot and dont even know how to do ist can someone help please?
using VoronoiDelaunay
using GeometricalPredicates
using DataFrames, Plots
#mit unterer Aussenlinie initialisieren
x = collect(-1:0.1:1)
y = -1*ones(size(x))
#obere Aussenlinie hinzufuegen
xtemp = collect(-1:0.1:1)
ytemp = 1*ones(size(x))
x = [x’ xtemp’]
y = [y’ ytemp’]
#rechte Aussenlinie hinzufuegen
ytemp = collect(-1:0.1:1)
xtemp = 1*ones(size(ytemp))
x = [x xtemp’]
y = [y ytemp’]
#linke Aussenlinie hinzufuegen
ytemp = collect(-1:0.1:1)
xtemp = -1*ones(size(ytemp))
x = [x xtemp’]
y = [y ytemp’]
#zufaellige Innenpunkte hinzufuegen
xtemp = 2rand(1,500)-ones(1,500)
ytemp = 2rand(1,500)-ones(1,500)
x = [x xtemp]
y = [y ytemp]
##Delaunay-Triangulierung hinzufuegen
plot(tess) = DelaunayTessellation(x,y)
##Triangulierung plotten