I want to triangulate a set of points that are scattered over a two-dimensional triangular domain. For this purpose, I have been looking into a couple of packages including VoronoiDelaunay
, GeometryBasics
, GeometricalPredicates
, Meshing
. As the plotting tool, I want to use Makie
I started with GeometryBasics
and saw that it is possible to mesh a rectangle.
using GeometryBasics
using Makie
rect = Rect(0., 0., 1., 1.)
msh = GeometryBasics.mesh(rect)
scene = Makie.mesh(msh, color=1:length(msh.position))
wireframe!(msh, linewidth=2)
scatter!(msh.position, markersize=10)
But the problem here is that I only have two triangles. To get more fine grained grid of points, it is possible to use Tesselation
using GeometryBasics
using Makie
rect = Rect(0., 0., 1., 1.)
msh = GeometryBasics.mesh(Tesselation(rect, (5,5)))
scene = Makie.mesh(msh, color=1:length(msh.position))
wireframe!(msh, linewidth=2)
scatter!(msh.position, markersize=10)
The grid looks fine, but the problem is that the plane is rectangular, but not triangular. I tried to construct a triangle and use
using GeometryBasics
using Makie
outerpnts = [Point(0., 0), Point(1., 0.), Point(0.5, 1.)]
tri = Triangle(outerpnts...)
But I got a method error, since tri
is not of type GeometryPrimitive
julia> Tesselation(tri)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Tesselation(::GeometryBasics.Ngon{2, Float64, 3, Point2{Float64}})
Closest candidates are:
Tesselation(::Any, ::Integer) at /home/sari/.julia/packages/GeometryBasics/inb5O/src/interfaces.jl:66
Tesselation(::GeometryPrimitive{Dim, T}, ::Tuple{Vararg{var"#s10", N}} where var"#s10"<:Integer) where {Dim, T, N} at /home/sari/.julia/packages/GeometryBasics/inb5O/src/interfaces.jl:61
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[16]:1
[2] eval
@ ./boot.jl:360 [inlined]
Then, I thought that triangulation can be constructed from a set of points that are inside of a triangle
using GeometryBasics
using Makie
# Construct a triangle
outerpnts = [Point(0., 0), Point(1., 0.), Point(0.5, 1.)]
tri = Triangle(outerpnts...)
# Generate points that are inside of the triangle
innerpnts = Point[]
while length(innerpnts) ≤ 10
p = Point(rand(2)...)
p ∈ tri && push!(innerpnts, p)
# Mesh the inner and outer points
totalmsh = GeometryBasics.mesh(append!(outerpnts, innerpnts))
# Plot mesh
mesh(totalmsh, color=1 : length(totalmsh.position))
wireframe!(totalmsh, linewidth=2)
scatter!(totalmsh.position, markersize=10)
Here is what I got. The triangulation is not complete. Besides, the triangulation is not correct since some of the triangles overlap.
So I thought that VoronoiDelaunay
should be the package I should use. I could construct a Delaunay tesselation but I had to use Gadfly as the plotting package. Also, again the region is not triangular.
using VoronoiDelaunay
using Gadfly
tess = DelaunayTessellation()
width = max_coord - min_coord
pts = Point2D[Point(min_coord + rand() * width, min_coord + rand() * width) for i in 1:100]
push!(tess, pts)
x, y = getplotxy(delaunayedges(tess))
set_default_plot_size(15cm, 15cm)
plot(x=x, y=y, Geom.path)
Any suggestions for the triangulation of two-dimensional points scattered over triangular meshes?