Tk GUI works not like expected ? Widget appears only for 1 second!

using Tk
Messagebox(title=“title” , message=“message”)

The code works.
Message - Warning could not import Base.Text into Tk

Example 2 code for Tk:

using Base.Graphics
using Cairo
using Tk

win = Toplevel(“Test” , 400, 200)
c = Canvas(win)
pack(c, expand=true, fill=“both”)


Compiling takes a longer time.
Message appear such the above code ! Could not import Base.text.
And the Tk Window only appears for 1 seconds and flows away.
How to fix that in the code.
I want to make a Main Window that stays right long on screen.


I just ran the 2 example put into a file (replace Base.Graphics with Graphics only, take comment from sleep) with julia 0.6.2. I don’t see longer compilation time and window stays as long as sleep.
The errors you see might be version and computer specific.