I created a package to make it easier to work with world-ages and invoke in world.
Basically it remembers the world age when any package was loaded.
So that you can go and run your code against the defintions in the package when it was first loaded.
For example
@when_freshly_loaded Foo begin
@test Foo.foo() == 100
which will ignore any redefintions you (or Revise) have done since then.
So you can go back and test that your new tests fail.
Or do comparative benchmarking of new method vs old (I haven’t yet checked if this has too much overhead, but i don’t think it will, at least not unless the code you are using in the outisde of your benchmake is complicated, someone comment and let me know)
Feel free to bikeshed on the name before i register it.
I leaned a way from TimeMachine.jl as there is that Apple backups feature called that?
And TARDIS.jl makes me sound like a nerd
I expected this to be something related to Time travel debugging - Wikipedia but it is way more narrow. Adding something about world age to the name alternatively just make up something punny seems better to me.