Hi folks!
I have finally published the first version of AstroTime.jl
This one has been an almost astronomically long time in the making (sorry, could not resist ). The first commit (when the code was still part of Astrodynamics.jl) dates back to March 2013. A solid six years and three major rewrites later, I am finally happy with the result!
The package provides a new time-scale aware, high-precision Epoch
type and here is how it works:
# Create an Epoch based on the TT (Terrestial Time) scale
tt = TTEpoch("2018-01-01T12:00:00")
# Transform to UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)
utc = UTCEpoch(tt)
# Transform to TDB (Barycentric Dynamical Time)
utc = TDBEpoch(utc)
# Shift an Epoch by one day
another_day = tt + 1days
If you are interested, jump into the tutorial where I will walk you through all functionality and please take it for a spin.
Thanks to @giordano and @prakharcode for contributing to the package, @andyferris and @c42f for the design inspiration from Chrono.jl, and the Orekit maintainers for some of the battle-tested algorithms.