Good day everyone,
Thank you in advance for reading this. I am a Python user but I have to run a pipeline that was built using Julia. It’s here: github [dot] com [slash] kharchenkolab [slash] Baysor .
I ran into an error with this particular Julia script: (src/data_loading/prior_segmentation.jl). Specifically, this code (Line 109) seems to be the one causing an error. My question is: Why cannot the pipeline load my TIFF image, despite mine has the same image type and value type as the author’s example image?
function filter_segmentation_labels!(segmentation_labels::MT where MT <: AbstractArray{<:Integer}, segment_per_transcript::Vector{<:Integer}; min_molecules_per_segment::Int)
n_mols_per_label = count_array(segment_per_transcript, max_value=maximum(segmentation_labels), drop_zero=true)
Here’s the error message:
This code essentially reads and loads a TIFF image. I examined author’s example image which has size 3734x17219, Array{Gray{N0f16}, 2} with eltype Gray{N0f16}. Other than the size of my TIFF image (which is 1608x1608), everything else is the same.
Another observation is that, when loaded into ImageJ: author’s image’s values ranges between 0 and 355. While mine is just 0 and 1, I have also tried 0 and 255. But the pipeline still failed. Though, when I loaded these images using Julia, the maximum and minimum returned are as follow: (Why are the values so different??)
julia> maximum(example_image)
julia> minimum(example_image)
julia> maximum(my_image)
julia> minimum(my_image)
First screenshot below displays information about author’s example image. example_image_info.png - Google Drive
Second screenshot below displays information about my image. my_image_info.png - Google Drive