This month in Julia world - 2025-02

A monthly newsletter, mostly on julia internals, digestible for casual observers. A biased, incomplete, editorialized list of what I found interesting this month, with contributions from the community.

Save the date for JuliaCon Local Paris 2025 (October 2nd-3rd)!
More information at

“Internals” Fora and Core Repos (Slack/Zulip/Discourse/Github):

In search of contributors and new maintainers (specify novice/moderate/expert and internals/domain background necessary):

Ecosystem Fora, Maintenance, and Colab Promises (Slack/Zulip/Discourse/Github):

Abstract Math ecosystem:

  • Matroids.jl is a Julia library for working with matroids using rank functions, supporting fundamental operations and integration with the Julia Graphs ecosystem.
  • TensorAlgebra.jl implements tensor contraction and algebra utilities, including dimension splitting, factorization, and permutation handling.

Julia Autodiff ecosystem:

  • DiffMatic.jl Symbolic differentiation of vector/matrix/tensor expressions in Julia

Notes from other ecosystems:

Soapboxes (blogs/talks):

See also: French community newsletter, community calendar, minutes of triage meetings

Please feel free to post below with your own interesting finds, or in-depth explanations, or questions about these developments.

If you would like to help with the draft for next month, please drop your short, well formatted, linked notes in this shared document. Some of it might survive by the time of posting


The link does not seem to work.


This is one of the autogenerate discourse links, it was not present in the original source of the post. JETLS is not registered, so the autolinking does not work. Here is the actual link to the unregistered project: GitHub - aviatesk/JETLS.jl (and fixed in the original post)


The operator is so happy about the new syntactic sugar support, it went from being a leftward frowny face to a rightward happy face!

1 Like

This so huge!!!


Thank you for the shout-out, happy to see some interest in the new packages we are building! For some context, those packages are all works in progress which will be used in a new major release of ITensors.jl that we are working towards, and not meant for general use just yet (in fact, we are already planning on fully rewriting QuantumOperatorAlgebra.jl and QuantumOperatorDefinitions.jl…).

FYI this newsletter is great, it really helps me keep up with what is going on in the Julia ecosystem.