How to solve this alert that appears during the update?
julia> VERSION
v “1.7.0”
Apparently I have not inherited correctly the packages from Julia 1.6.4 to Julia 1.7.0 !!!
┌ Warning: The active manifest file is an older format with no julia version entry. Dependencies may have been
resolved with a different julia version.
A new Manifest.toml format is now used that captures extensible metadata fields, including the julia version that generated the manifest. Old format manifests are still supported and will be maintained in their original format, unless the user runs Pkg.upgrade_manifest() to upgrade the format of the current environment’s manifest without re-resolving (#40765).
Nothing is wrong, you’re just getting a warning so you know there’s been a change of versions. You can run upgrade_manifest to get rid of the warning.
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
┌ Warning: The active manifest file is missing a julia version entry.
Dependencies may have been resolved with a different julia version.
└ @ ~/Documents/projects/LousePlagueRevamp/Manifest.toml:0
julia> Pkg.upgrade_manifest()
ERROR: Format of manifest file at
already up to date: manifest_format == 2.0.0
Yes, that’s not the same error. If you don’t worry about backwards reproducibility (which is kind of broken anyway since there’s no Julia version entry), you can just delete the manifest file and generate a new one with Pkg.instantiate()