The 2021 Julia language survey has completed

Just a note for anyone who opened the survey and was intimidated by the seemingly endless number of clicks required to answer questions 1 and 2: you aren’t required to fill in every single row. It’s ok to only answer the ones you care the most about. We should probably make that more obvious next year or otherwise change it.


Some problems have multiple global optima.

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Well, I’m new to programming and I don’t think I’m useful for the annual survey.

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To the contrary! New users are typically vastly underrepresented in the survey and it’s very valuable to get your and others’ feedback here.

I encourage anyone who has used Julia to answer the survey.


This a million times over! We want anyone and everyone who uses Julia to take the survey. We love all the people who contribute to Julia and develop packages but their voices are already well amplified. This is the chance to hear from everyone else who uses Julia in whatever capacity (and whom we also love :heart_eyes_cat:).


A couple of comments here about the Spanish translation (I suppose it also applies for other translations).

There are some typos, in particular in question 20 where it says “Compio Julia de la fuente” it should say “Compilo” (missing l).

Also, the order in the country, nationality and language lists is mingled. Things are sorted by their english name, so they appear at random places in other languages. As an example Arabia Saudita (Saudi Arabia), Corea del Sur (South Korea), Islas Salomón (Solomon Islands), Eslovenia (Slovenia), and España (Spain) all appear in the letter S, instead of appearing in the A, C, E and I, as they should.

Hopefully this comment can help for next year’s survey!
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Today is your last day to complete the survey! If you’ve been dragging your feet, now’s the time to do it!