I’m having trouble making the test for equality between XML.node
s work. XML.jl defines a nodes_equal
function to test for equality, but I can’t make it work reliably.
For example, I have two XML.node
s called node
and new_node
. If I compare all the attributes tested in the function for equality like this:
println(XML.nodes_equal(node, new_font))
println("tags : ", XML.tag(node) == XML.tag(new_font))
println("types : ", XML.nodetype(node) == XML.nodetype(new_font))
println("attributes : ", XML.attributes(node) == XML.attributes(new_font))
println("values : ", XML.value(node) == XML.value(new_font))
println("length : ", length(XML.children(node)) == length(XML.children(new_font)))
println("children : ", all(XML.nodes_equal(ai, bi) for (ai,bi) in zip(XML.children(node), XML.children(new_font))))
I get the following results:
<font> # This is `node`
<sz val="18"/>
<color theme="1"/>
<name val="Calibri"/>
<family val="2"/>
<scheme val="minor"/>
<font> # This is `new_font`
<sz val="18"/>
<color theme="1"/>
<name val="Calibri"/>
<family val="2"/>
<scheme val="minor"/>
false # They look the same, but they are not!
tags : true
types : true
attributes : false
nothing # This is the source of the difference!
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, String}()
values : true
length : true
children : false
The two parent <font.../>
nodes have no attributes, but in one this is shown as XML.attributes(node) == nothing
while in the other, it results in XML.attributes(new_font) == OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, String}()
. This difference isn’t a result of anything I have done intentionally. How can I avoid it?
I suspect that the source of the differences in the children is the same but haven’t investigated.
The first node is read from an XML file. The second node
is constructed this way:
const font_tags = ["b", "i", "u", "strike", "outline", "shadow", "condense", "extend", "sz", "color", "name", "family", "scheme"]
function buildNode(tag::String, attributes::Dict{String, Union{Nothing, Dict{String, String}}}) :: XML.Node
new_node = XML.Element(tag)
for a in font_tags # Use this as a device to keep ordering constant
if haskey(attributes, a)
if !isnothing(attributes[a])
for (k, v) in attributes[a]
n[k] = v
push!(new_node, n)
return new_node
and perhaps this is giving rise to the difference somehow.
How can I avoid this issue?