i am struggling with exporting and importing a meta_graph in TensorFlow.jl:
tensorflow 1.4.0
TensorFlow.jl 0.8.0
julia 0.6.2
Here an example,. where i am struggling:
using TensorFlow
session = Session(Graph())
x = placeholder(Float32)
@tf W=get_variable([2,2],Float32)
test= x*W
when i am trying to import the meta graph in a new session like:
using TensorFlow
session = Session(Graph())
i get following error:
ERROR: Tensorflow error: Status: Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 0 for 'test' (op: 'MatMul') with input shapes: [], [2,2].
i tried different variations, like providing a shape=[-1,2] to the placeholder variable, but it doesnt help.
doing the same but w/o the “test = x*W” part works, so it seems that during the import step the shapes for the matmul are not defined (for x), even if provided.
i am struggling with exporting and importing a meta_graph in TensorFlow.jl:
tensorflow 1.4.0
TensorFlow.jl 0.8.0
julia 0.6.2
Here an example,. where i am struggling:
using TensorFlow
session = Session(Graph())
x = placeholder(Float32)
@tf W=get_variable([2,2],Float32)
test= x*W
when i am trying to import the meta graph in a new session like:
using TensorFlow
session = Session(Graph())
i get following error:
ERROR: Tensorflow error: Status: Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 0 for 'test' (op: 'MatMul') with input shapes: [], [2,2].
i tried different variations, like providing a shape=[-1,2] to the placeholder variable, but it doesnt help.
doing the same but w/o the test = x*W part works, so it seems that during the import step the shapes for the matmul are not defined (for x), even if provided.