Import a Metagraph from file


I’m new to Julia, and I wonder how to import a graph in Julia based on the following GML file :

	label "testGraph"
		id 1
		compute 3
		storage 3
		id 2
		compute 4
		storage 1
		id 3
		compute 1
		storage 3
		id 1
		source 1
		target 2
		bandwidth 5
		delay 15
		id 2
		source 2
		target 3
		bandwidth 15
		delay 10
		id 3
		source 3
		target 1
		bandwidth 10
		delay 10

As far as I understand, Graphs.jl does not support graph importation from file. Using LightGraphs.jl, I managed to import a graph, but only a SimpleGraph, which does not take into account the extra parameters. I guess I need a MetaGraph, but I have no idea how to import it. Is it possible ? Is there another way to import my graph in Julia ? Could you give me a quick code example ?

Thank you very much,
Best regards,

Hi there,

Right now there is no GML importer for MetaGraphs - as you discovered, it’s only implemented for SimpleGraphs, which means that the metadata is ignored.