Technical term for "operator inference" related to multiple dispatch

I have defined the operator < for my custom type Person:

	struct Person
	import Base: <
	function <(a::Person, b::Person)::Bool
	    return a.age < b.age
	# Example usage
	person1 = Person("Alice", 30)
	person2 = Person("Bob", 25)
	println(person1 < person2)  # This will print "false" because 30 is not less than 25
	println(person2 < person1)  # This will print "true" because 25 is less than 30

    # ---- inference ??????
	println(person2 > person1)  # This will print "false" because 25 is less than 30

In my last println, it seems that Julia inferred how the > operator should behave for my custom type, even though I didnā€™t define it, which is great. :clap:

My question is, what is this mechanism called? (By ā€˜mechanismā€™, I mean the behavior where, if the user defines operator X, Julia generates code for operator Y, given that there is a relationship between X and Y.)

N.B.: Sorry for the horrible title; Iā€™m not sure how to express this.

This occurs because how > is implemented:

>(x, y) = y < x

I donā€™t know if there is any sophysticated thing to call it :slight_smile: . If you implemented > first, you would have find it less magical:

julia> struct A x end

julia> import Base: >

julia> >(a::A, b::A) = a.x > b.x
> (generic function with 4 methods)

julia> A(2) > A(1)

julia> A(2) < A(1)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching isless(::A, ::A)


We often call these sorts of definitions ā€œgenericā€ or ā€œfallbackā€ implementations. Functions in Julia have a meaning ā€” and in some cases itā€™s possible to define implementations for Any arguments based on other methods.


Ah, youā€™re right, it makes senseā€¦ I also have just found in the docs:

Generally, new types should implement < instead of this function, and rely on the fallback definition >(x, y) = y < x.

EDIT: itā€™s less impressive now, because I thought there is some sort of multiple dispatch mechanism that infers this, but itā€™s actually just the implementation

thank you

Matter of perspective :slight_smile: One could also find it impressive how easy it is to write generic, performant code. The default implementation in case implements > for all arguments exactly as fast as the hand-written counterpart < in a single line of code. Sure while this is an almost trivial example, it does still show the simplicity and power of Julia imo :slight_smile:


I agree, and I donā€™t deny that :slight_smile:
I was referring to that ā€œimaginary/magical mechanismā€ that does the inference :rofl: