Sublime Text 3: Worth a look!

That’s GREAT @xiaodai! BTW, the Seti-UI theme matches the Atom environment, so if you are switching back and forth for things it may be a better experience.

Interesting idea, sort of a SendCode from the REPL out to HTML. So, started thinking about approach such as with a MarkDown file in one pane and a live HTML preview in the other (there are packages for this Send to Browser). Was thinking of instead of showtable going to STDOUT of the term, perhaps that can be redirected to a file, that in turn opens and is sent to a browser. But wait WAIT, there’s PrettyTables that now has HTML output and can be saved to HTML, so it might be a few step workflow that could be streamlined. Perhaps a job that watches a folder where the Julia HTML file is saved, which triggers a command to open the file in ST3, followed by a Preview in Browser?
See this comment by @Ronis_BR:

I was going to grab his example and try it but it’s a screenshot, but might have time later to try some more, will take a look. I already have HTML going to browser no problem.

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