Sublime Text 3 for Linux: portable and preconfigured for Julia

Feedback will be appreciated.


I develop directly on the cluster, and I previously used a remote kernel with Juno. The same workflow can be replicated in ST3 by

  1. Installing a package that gives you remote file system browsing like SFTP (costs money, but nice) or RemoteSubl.
  2. SSH to the cluster in the ST3 Terminus and start the REPL. SendCode from the editor to the cluster REPL appears to work just fine.
  3. Use Revise.jl for editing package files on cluster with changes showing up in the REPL.

Is there a way to replicate Jupyter-like “cells” like with Juno’s ## syntax?

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I don’t know. I will investigate.

Thanks @PetrKryslUCSD, recently switched over to linux and this was helpful!
The significantly improved performance and lower system resources used by the linux environment could make Atom or VS-Code viable options (was just too much system load and therefore constant winding fan noise w/ the laptop using Win10). But, still enjoying ST3 quite a bit. Julia is working great with it. Have also gotten LaTeX working as well. This package is great: LaTeXTools. Another utility is ‘Print to HTML’ . Also have ST3 working with MarkDown. Few others such as ‘Open URL’ are helpful, quick click to open a link in a browser.
And for fun, a member recently released the FIGlet package (ANN: FIGlet.jl). There is a package for ST3 as well: ‘Figlet Big ASCII Text’

If anyone is interested, here are the packages I’m using so far:

~/.config/sublime-text-3 >>> ls Installed\ Packages                                   [1]
'LaTeX Snippets.sublime-package'
'LaTeX Word Count.sublime-package'
'Markdown Extended.sublime-package'
'Monokai Extended.sublime-package'
'Open URL.sublime-package'
'Package Control.sublime-package'
'Table Editor.sublime-package'
'Theme - Seti Monokai.sublime-package'
'Theme - Spacegray.sublime-package'
'View In Browser.sublime-package'
'Wrap Plus.sublime-package'
~/.config/sublime-text-3 >>> ls Packages                                                 
 backrefs                 ptyprocess        Seti_UI
'Figlet Big ASCII Text'   pygments          Seti_UX
 jsonschema               pymdownx          SublimeLinter-contrib-julialint
 LaTeXTools               pyte              SublimeLinter-contrib-julialintserver
 LiveReload               python-jinja2     TabNine
 markupsafe               python-markdown   Terminus
 mdpopups                 pyyaml            User
'Print to HTML'           SendCode          wcwidth

Thanks Petr for your contribution, much appreciated. Also experiencing very slow Julia run times under Atom I’m exploring Julia development using SublimeText3. Following your instructions I can run Julia code in a Julia-REPL under Terminus. However, I have the following question: Terminus definition <ctrl-enter> sends the selected julia code to the IJulia interpreter running in a Terminus console. If I want the run the entire file I first have to ‘select all’ (<ctrl-x h> under Emacs keybindings) and follow up with <ctrl-enter>. Do you know how I could define a shortcut keybinding that combines these two commands in one? Thanks.

Is there a reason you want to send the actual code from the file to the repl instead of doing include()?

I see, indeed, that’s also an option (never thought of it…). Thanks!