After creating a 500x500 pixel image and displaying it:
using ImageView
imshow(rand(500, 500))
I found out that the hoverinfo
is wrong by ~50 pixels regardless of the size of the displayed image (the cursor was at the bottom-right corner of the image before this screenshot):
Is anyone else getting the same results?
Here’s for a 100x100 image (cursor was at bottom-right corner):
Interestingly, for a 50x50 image it gets it right (couldn’t get the cursor exactly on the edge):
What is going on…?
Works for me. Maybe report as a bug to ImageView and give full platform details & version info of packages (at least Gtk, Cairo, Reactive, GtkReactive, and ImageView).
Thank you Tim! Issued. Let me know if anything is missing etc.
Did I want to pin GtkReactive? I guess I did at some point. Anyways, I freed it and now all is well in the world. Thanks goes to his holiness @tim.holy…
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