Stack Overflow Survey 2024 Results

According to the survey, the popularity of Matlab and R seems higher than Julia, and people are more willing to learn Matlab and R than Julia. However, Julia is more admired than R and Matlab and the salaries for coding in Julia are higher.

It seems that Julia needs more promotion. I wonder how many more would choose to learn Julia instead of R or Matlab if they knew the advantages of Julia.

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Please, not another “How can Julia become more popular?” thread. They never lead to any actionable plan, and usually devolve into unfocused gripefests.

For a recent thread on similar topics, see: Some Julia growth/usage stats


To avoid one of these threads, it might be better not to allow any more comments in this thread.


If the Q&A usage metrics are to be believed, StackOverflow is well and truly on the decline, as humans are finding it more convenient to just ask an LLM for help with their coding problems. If so, then those remaining are likely a biased sample, so I’d take any survey results from this year (and going forward) with a large grain of salt as the nature of that bias could be difficult to disentangle.