Bringing (a bit) more guidance for #offtopic?

Here is first iteration of my thoughts on this :slight_smile:
While the rest of the Julia forum is, well, for Julia-specific topics, I think the Offtopic category could be for much broader things, that however somehow relate to Julia or can be related to Julia. The poster should then make some effort to relate it to Julia if only loosely. I would want to be quite generous with this rule.

Let’s take some recent posts as examples (I don’t intent this to be namecalling in any sense). Starting with positive examples:

The difference of these examples to the thread sparking this discussion (Is the GenAI Bubble Finally Popping?) is that this does not relate to Julia in some obvious way and the poster did not make that connection. I think this is why many folks felt it is a bit out of place in a Julia forum.
In a similar vein also this thread “Explainability is Not a Game”. This also got very little interaction, which can be taken as a sign that it did not resonate with the community here.