Speed up Optim.Optimize calls in a for-loop

Hi, in my code, I have a for-loop carrying out an ‘Optim.Optimize’ on each iteration. I don’t care about the order and know that individual optimizations will not bite each-other. What are some general methods to speed up the following? (What I’m ultimately interested in speeding up is higher-dimensional and a more complicated problem, of course)

using BenchmarkTools; using Optim; using Random

N = 10_000
d = 5

target_min = zeros(N)
a_opt = zeros(N)

f = (a, n) -> (a .+ n) .^ 2
for n = 1:N
    opt = optimize(a -> f(a, n)[1], [0.])
    target_min[n] = opt.minimum
    a_opt[n] = opt.minimizer[1]


As you mention that the optimizations are independent, an obvious starting point would be to add multithreading.

using BenchmarkTools, Optim, Random

N = 10_000
# (Your d was not used, so I removed it.)

target_min = zeros(N)
a_opt = zeros(N)

f = (a, n) -> (a .+ n) .^ 2

function multi_optimize!(target_min, a_opt, f)
    for n in eachindex(target_min)
        opt = optimize(a -> f(a, n)[1], [0.])
        target_min[n] = opt.minimum
        a_opt[n] = opt.minimizer[1]

function multi_optimize_threaded!(target_min, a_opt, f)
    Threads.@threads for n in eachindex(target_min)  # or Polyester.@batch, or via @spawn, or ...
        opt = optimize(a -> f(a, n)[1], [0.])
        target_min[n] = opt.minimum
        a_opt[n] = opt.minimizer[1]

@btime multi_optimize!($target_min, $a_opt, $f)
@btime multi_optimize_threaded!($target_min, $a_opt, $f)

gives on my machine (nthreads() == 8)

  117.082 ms (3229113 allocations: 95.15 MiB)
  37.693 ms (3229154 allocations: 95.15 MiB)

(In all likelihood N will be const in your actual problem, in which case you could mark it as such and use N in multi_optimize!. But the performance gain will almost surely be negligible.)

Reducing allocations (not fully successfully)

Note that there are many allocations: every evaluation of f allocates, and additionally we create a Vector [0.] for every value of n. Here’s the best I can come up with at the moment to reduce the number of allocations:

using BenchmarkTools, Optim, Random
using .Threads, .Iterators


N = 10_000

target_min = zeros(N)
a_opt = zeros(1, N)  # size(a_opt, 1) is the dimensionality of the problem; you could make this a const
initials = similar(a_opt)  # initial vectors for the optimization problems

# f! is like f, but mutates a supplied input/output vector
function f!(y, a, n) 
    y .= (a .+ n) .^ 2

function multi_optimize_threaded_mutating!(target_min, a_opt, f!, initials)
    d = size(a_opt, 1)

    # Divide all (N) optimization problems (indices n) over a number of tasks
    nb_tasks = nthreads()
    ns = eachindex(target_min)
    ns_per_task = partition(ns, cld(length(ns), nb_tasks))

    # Spawn tasks
    tasks = map(ns_per_task) do task_ns
        @spawn begin
            # Allocate once per task (thread)
            task_target_min = zeros(length(task_ns))  # task-specific output
            task_a_opt = zeros(d, length(task_ns))  # idem
            task_initial = zeros(d)  # initial vector, will be reused for each n
            task_y = zeros(d)  # output for f!, reused

            for (i, n) in enumerate(task_ns)
                # Wrap f! to produce a scalar-valued function
                opt_func = function(a)
                    f!(task_y, a, n)
                    return task_y[1]
                task_initial .= @view(initials[:, n])

                opt = optimize(opt_func, task_initial)

                task_target_min[i] = opt.minimum
                task_a_opt[:, i] .= opt.minimizer[1]
            return task_target_min, task_a_opt

    # Fill the global outputs target_min and a_opt using the tasks-specific outputs
    for (task_idx, task_ns) in enumerate(ns_per_task)
        tsk_target_min, tsk_a_opt = fetch(tasks[task_idx])
        target_min[task_ns] .= tsk_target_min
        a_opt[:, task_ns] .= tsk_a_opt

with results

@btime multi_optimize_threaded_mutating!($target_min, $a_opt, $f!, $initials);
  27.691 ms (1588448 allocations: 53.39 MiB)

So this roughly halves the number of allocations. It seems that every optimize call still allocates a lot though, but I’m not knowledgeable enough about Optim.jl to know how to improve this.

EDIT: In the code above you don’t need task_target_min or task_a_opt and can instead write directly to target_min and a_opt. This doesn’t have any noticeable impact on performance (though we save a whopping 2 * nb_tasks (=16) allocations :slight_smile: ), but makes the code a bit simpler.

Simpler multi_optimize_threaded_mutating!
function multi_optimize_threaded_mutating!(target_min, a_opt, f!, initials)
    d = size(a_opt, 1)

    # Divide all (N) optimization problems (indices n) over a number of tasks
    nb_tasks = nthreads()
    ns = eachindex(target_min)
    ns_per_task = partition(ns, cld(length(ns), nb_tasks))

    # Spawn tasks
    tasks = map(ns_per_task) do task_ns
        @spawn begin
            # Allocate once per task (thread)
            task_initial = zeros(d)  # initial vector, will be reused for each n
            task_y = zeros(d)  # output for f!, reused

            for n in task_ns
                # Wrap f! to produce a scalar-valued function
                opt_func = function(a)
                    f!(task_y, a, n)
                    return task_y[1]
                task_initial .= @view(initials[:, n])

                opt = optimize(opt_func, task_initial)

                target_min[n] = opt.minimum
                a_opt[:, n] .= opt.minimizer[1]

    for task in tasks
    # or wait.(tasks), but this returns a Vector{Nothing}

Now, presumably your actual optimization problems will actually be somewhat related (as in the example here). In that case you can, for example, try initializing subsequent problems using solutions to previous ones.


Thank you, that are some very helpful pointers! I will try to implement them for my problem tomorrow! Unfortunately in my case the various optimization problems are from evaluating some function along certain independent simulated samples, which means that reusing old solutions as initial points will probably be non-trivial.