Sorry, I still have trouble constructing this x
Does this look correct for a MWE (Please provide a copy-pastable example next time )?
julia> A = sprand(10,20,0.5)
10×20 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 93 stored entries:
julia> x = sprand(10, 0.5)
10-element SparseVector{Float64, Int64} with 5 stored entries:
[1 ] = 0.766693
[2 ] = 0.66149
[4 ] = 0.385874
[8 ] = 0.90622
[10] = 0.931918
The x[QR.prow]
allocates a bunch of new memory, which may be what slows you down here as I believe x
is somewhat large. Sadly, using a view
here doesn’t seem to help too much:
julia> @time y = QR.Q' * x[QR.prow];
0.000117 seconds (2.18 k allocations: 126.141 KiB)
julia> @time y = QR.Q' * @view x[QR.prow];
0.000104 seconds (2.17 k allocations: 125.047 KiB)
I think at this point there’s some expert in terms of sparse matrices etc. needed
Nevertheless, doesn’t the suggestion at the end of the post you linked do what you want? This one: