- @Goosee I was able to use (a simplified version of) your code to solve another non-linear HJB problem w/o any change in neural network tuning!
I got it to work in minutes (my coding time, not run time)!
The firm-investment problem is described here.
using NeuralPDE, Flux, ModelingToolkit, GalacticOptim, Optim, DiffEqFlux
using ForwardDiff
import ModelingToolkit: Interval, infimum, supremum
@parameters x # x=K
@variables u(..), s(..) # u(x)=V(K) & s(x) = I(K) policy
Dx = Differential(x) # Dx(u(x)) == V_K(K)
δ=0.10; ρ=0.05; z= ρ + δ +.10; Iss = (z-ρ-δ)/(ρ+δ); kss = Iss/δ;
eq = [
Dx(u(x))-1 - s(x) ~ 0.0,
z*x - s(x) - 0.5*s(x)^2 + Dx(u(x))*(s(x) - δ*x) - ρ*u(x) ~ 0.0
elems = size(eq)[1]
bcs = [Dx(u(kss)) ~ (1 + δ*kss)]
domains = [x ∈ Interval(kss*0.1,kss*1.5)]
neurons = 20
chain = [FastChain(FastDense(1,neurons,tanh)
,FastDense(neurons,1)) for _ in 1:elems]
dx0 = kss*(1.5-0.1)/400
initθ = map(c -> Float64.(c), DiffEqFlux.initial_params.(chain))
discretization = PhysicsInformedNN(chain, GridTraining(dx0),init_params =initθ)
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[x],[u(x),s(x)])
prob = discretize(pde_system,discretization)
const losses = []
cb = function (p,l)
push!(losses, l)
if length(losses)%500==0
println("Current loss after $(length(losses)) iterations: $(losses[end])")
return false
maxit1 = 1200
maxit2 = 4000
res = GalacticOptim.solve(prob, ADAM(0.06); atol=1e-7, cb = cb, maxiters=maxit1)
prob = remake(prob,u0=res.minimizer)
res = GalacticOptim.solve(prob,BFGS(); cb = cb, maxiters=maxit2)
phi = discretization.phi
using Plots
kgrid = LinRange(kss*0.1,kss*1.5,1_000)
I = Int.(collect(size(res.minimizer)./elems))
Vfunc(x) = first(phi[1](x,res.minimizer[1:I[1]]))
Cfunc(x) = first(phi[2](x,res.minimizer[I[1]+1:end]))
# Plot V
plot(kgrid ,Vfunc.(kgrid),
line =:dashdot,linewidth=3,label="Neural net",
legend=:topleft,xlabel = "k",ylabel="V(k)",
fg_legend = :false, xtick=0:2:10, ytick=-20:1:-8)
#display(plot!(kgrid,vfunc,label="Finite differences",legend=:topleft))
plot(kgrid ,Cfunc.(kgrid),
line =:dashdot,linewidth=3,label="Neural net",
legend=:topleft,xlabel = "k",ylabel="I(k)",
fg_legend = :false, xtick=0:2:10, ytick=0.5:0.5:2)
plot!(kgrid ,x -> Iss, lab="I_SS", ylims=(0,1))
# Compute HJB error
dVk = ForwardDiff.derivative.(Vfunc, Array(kgrid))
II = dVk .- 1
HJBerror = z*kgrid .- II .- .5*II.^2 + dVk .*(II-δ*kgrid) - ρ*Vfunc.(kgrid)
xlabel = "k",ylabel="HJB error",label="Neural net", fg_legend = :false)
display(plot(losses,legend = false, yaxis=:log))
The value function is affine (as it should be)
The policy function is constant (as it should be)
The HJB error
The loss
- @Goosee echoing @ChrisRackauckas I really hope you post issues for the problems not working…
If you want to “scale up to more complex versions, say by adding a diffusion in productivity or more state variables.” I recommend you extend my simple firm investment problem (instead of the NCGM) so you don’t need to worry about things like diving by zero etc… - If you’d like please feel free to add examples to my Github repo