I am running a large LP model using COPT solver (COPT.jl)
where the termination status is IMPRECISE, below is the log snippet
Using Cardinal Optimizer v7.2.4 on Windows
Hardware has 32 cores and 64 threads. Using instruction set X86_NATIVE (1)
Minimizing an LP problem
The original problem has:
110698176 rows, 60517201 columns and 358904946 non-zero elements
The presolved problem has:
26450603 rows, 65175827 columns and 179126383 non-zero elements
Starting barrier solver using 32 threads
Problem info:
Dualized in presolve: Yes
Range of matrix coefficients: [9e-03,2e+02]
Range of rhs coefficients: [1e-02,8e+05]
Range of bound coefficients: [3e+00,1e+02]
Range of cost coefficients: [1e-03,2e+06]
Factor info:
Number of free columns: 4905282
Number of dense columns: 7
Number of matrix entries: 1.999e+08
Number of factor entries: 7.165e+09
Number of factor flops: 2.660e+13
Iter Primal.Obj Dual.Obj Compl Primal.Inf Dual.Inf Time
0 +1.78101669e+12 -2.29757821e+09 4.06e+13 9.03e+07 5.99e+02 1093s
557 -4.00115605e+09 -4.00115804e+09 2.79e+03 2.17e-03 3.24e-05 77954s
Barrier status: IMPRECISE
Primal objective: -4.00115605e+09
Dual objective: -4.00115804e+09
Duality gap (abs/rel): 2.00e+03 / 4.99e-07
Primal infeasibility (abs/rel): 2.17e-03 / 2.61e-09
Dual infeasibility (abs/rel): 3.24e-05 / 1.62e-11
Solving finished
Status: Imprecise Objective: 0.0000000000e+00 Iterations: 0 Time: 77975.05s
when I tried querying the objective or any variable, it returns out of bounds error
julia> objective_value(m.model)
ERROR: Result index of attribute MathOptInterface.ObjectiveValue(1) out of bounds. There are currently 0 solution(s) in the model.
julia> value(m.model[:total_cost])
ERROR: Result index of attribute MathOptInterface.VariablePrimal(1) out of bounds. There are currently 0 solution(s) in the model.
as for the solution status and summary
julia> termination_status(m.model)
ALMOST_OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 7
julia> solution_summary(m.model; verbose=true)
* Solver : COPT
* Status
Result count : 0
Termination status : ALMOST_OPTIMAL
Message from the solver:
"The LP problem is solved to optimality with relaxed tolerances."
* Candidate solution (result #1)
Primal status : NO_SOLUTION
Dual status : NO_SOLUTION
Objective bound : 0.00000e+00
Relative gap : 0.00000e+00
* Work counters
Solve time (sec) : 7.79827e+04
Simplex iterations : 0
Barrier iterations : 557
Node count : 0
Is this solver or solution-status related?
I would expect that since the solver found a “close enough” solution, the solver could produce a solution candidate, but that is not case
Perhaps any other way to force JuMP/solver to use the “close enough” solution?