Hi everybody,
I would like to repeatedly apply (a variation of) the softmax function to parts of an array.
I would like to know if there are ways to leverage packages like Tullio
, Yeppp
, and other Julianic features as well to improve this.
For example, for each individual i, there are several J vectors x_{i,j} of K choice characteristics. The probability of choosing j over 1,...,J is given by the softmax function.
s_{i,j}(\theta) = \frac{\exp(x_{i,j}^\prime \theta)}{1 + \sum_h^N \exp(x_{i,h}^\prime \theta)}
The probability of not choosing anything (j=0) is
s_{i,0}(\theta) = \frac{1}{1 + \sum_h^N \exp(x_{i,h}^\prime \theta)}
Let y_{ij} = 1 if i purchases j and be zero otherwise. The log-likelihood of observing a sample of N individuals is
\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=0}^J y_{i,j} \log\left(s_{i,j}(\theta)\right).
A MWE where I try to apply the softmax!
function repeatedly over the dataset is:
using TensorCore, BenchmarkTools, Tullio
# setup
N = 1000000 # observations
J = 4 # options (there's an extra "outside option")
K = 20 # product characteristics
# data
θ = randn(K) # parameters
y = rand(0:10,J+1,N) # purchases
x = rand(K,J,N) # product characteristics
# softmax function
function softmax!(
J = length(xθ)
u = maximum(xθ)
s = 0.
s += exp(-u)
@inbounds for j = 1:J
s += (r[j] = exp(xθ[j] - u))
invs = inv(s)
@inbounds for j = 1:J
r[j] *= invs
# log-likelihood function
function llk(
y::AbstractMatrix, # (J+1) × N
x::AbstractArray, # K × J × N
θ::AbstractVector # K-
K,J,N = size(x)
r = zeros(J)
llk = 0.
xθ = θ ⊡ x
for n=1:N
for j=1:J
llk += y[j,n] * log(r[j]) # likelihood of choices 1,...,J
llk += y[J+1,n] * log(1.0 - sum(r)) # likelihood of outside good
return llk/N
@btime llk($y,$x,$θ)
Is there any way to leverage Tullio
to obtain the choice probabilities? I was thinking about something that involves the entire array…
# softmax over entire array using Tullio?
xθ = θ ⊡ x
@tullio num[j,n] := exp(xθ[j,n])
@tullio denom[n] := num[j,n]
@tullio shares[j,n] := num[j,n] / (1.0 + denom[n])
@tullio shares0[n] := 1.0 / (1.0 + denom[n])
Thank you all, Julia community is very helpful!