Sites for Julia Freelancers?

Hello all! I am a co-founder of whos entire machine learning Backend is built in Julia with our web framework being within Julia as well. I was wondering what freelance sites/platforms everyone uses to find Julia Projects. I am a freelancer as well (where I experienced the problems Autolance looks to solve) and have only really taken on one or two Julia projects. Curious to see if there is a need for this and if it can be one of our core offerings (we currently focus on matching data science, marketing and software development freelancers with projects).



Hello! If you are looking for Julia programmers, you can schedule a company call at However, at Autolance our freelancers are paid on a subscription basis. We call it freelancers-as-a-service so we only focus on long-term engagements. If that is what you are looking for we would be happy to help you. If it is a one-time gig, you probably would be better off looking elsewhere. Just let me know!


Just curious. What made you choose Julia?