Simple model not working in Turing

I’ve been exploring Turing, but so far haven’t had much luck. I’ve written the following very simple model

using Distributions, Turing 
import Mamba: describe

xs = rand(Normal(3.4, 1.0), 1000)

@model gaussian(xs) = begin
    mu ~ Normal(0, 2)

    for x in xs
        x ~ Normal(mu, 1.0)

    return mu

chn = sample(gaussian(xs), NUTS(1000, 0.65))

But the model takes about 2 minutes to run, estimates that mu has a posterior mean of -0.72, with a large SD and low (14) ESS. The model also seems to consider x to be a parameter (depending on the sampling scheme that I choose). However, no sampling scheme converges to the correct value for mu. Any idea as to what I’m doing wrong?

Did you ever get this resolved? Just curious, I’ve been wanting to try out Turing but not sure what state the package is in.

Hi @joshualeond I’ve made some progress

using Distributions, Turing 
import Mamba: describe

xs = rand(Normal(3.4, 1.0), 1000)

@model gaussian(xs) = begin
    mu ~ Normal(0, 2)

    for i = 1:length(xs)
        xs[i] ~ Normal(mu, 1.0)

    return mu

chn1 = sample(gaussian(xs), SMC(1000))
chn2 = sample(gaussian(xs), NUTS(1000, 0.65))

Changing the looping to be by index versus iterating over the vector, has improved the posterior estimates. Here are the results:

julia> describe(chn1)
Iterations = 1:1000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1
Samples per chain = 1000

Empirical Posterior Estimates:
       Mean               SD                 Naive SE                 MCSE              ESS
mu     3.408908 0.0521018024787957695 0.00164760366033201355 0.01324662929046057334  15.470157
le -1414.123078 0.0000000000018198996 0.00000000000005755028 0.00000000000007579123 576.576577
lp     0.000000 0.0000000000000000000 0.00000000000000000000 0.00000000000000000000        NaN

        2.5%         25.0%         50.0%         75.0%         97.5%
mu     3.3076814     3.3632279     3.4025507     3.4490372     3.4784503
le -1414.1230781 -1414.1230781 -1414.1230781 -1414.1230781 -1414.1230781
lp     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000

julia> describe(chn2)
Iterations = 1:1000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1
Samples per chain = 1000

Empirical Posterior Estimates:
              Mean              SD            Naive SE          MCSE         ESS
 lf_num     7.358000000    1.10792864×10¹    0.3503577980    1.8537210626  35.72192
     mu     3.292585690  4.406610973×10⁻¹    0.0139349274    0.1157008162  14.50563
elapsed     0.032053929  2.440134579×10⁻¹    0.0077163831    0.0108565669 505.17579
     lp -7703.078442664    1.31850594×10⁵ 4169.4818711527 6006.8402507160 481.80579
 lf_eps     0.023993031 2.6679142717×10⁻²    0.0008436686    0.0031844537  70.18978

              2.5%             25.0%           50.0%          75.0%          97.5%
 lf_num     1.0000000000     3.0000000000     3.00000000     7.000000000    47.0000000
     mu     2.2687571970     3.3299950598     3.40077973     3.448397104     3.8250589
elapsed     0.0021599250     0.0062511508     0.00850430     0.019544800     0.1496765
     lp -3384.4951580265 -1549.2305191448 -1416.33487980 -1412.430003388 -1411.2213349
 lf_eps     0.0015783486     0.0051715866     0.02609497     0.026094970     0.0902517

Both samplers estimate the posterior mean close to the empirical mean (3.41373). The SMC sampler has credible interval close to what I would expect. However, the NUTS sampler has way too wide of a CI, and both samplers have a weirdly small ESS.

It’s possible that I am still doing something wrong. If you try out Turing and get any further, please let me know!

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Thanks for the update!