I’d like to sample two variables X1 ~ Uniform(0,1) and X2 ~ Uniform(0, X1)
using Turing @model function model()
X1 ~ Uniform(1e-5, 1)
X2 ~ Uniform(0, X1)
my_model = model(); sample(my_model, NUTS(), 10000)
However, while the distribution of X1 looks correct (that is it follows Uniform(0,1)), the distribution of X2 is very strange and each time it changes a lot. Analytically the mean of X2 should be 0.25 but this result is never reached. Can anyone help me figure out where I did wrong?
Actually such a problem doesn’t exist if X2 ~ Normal(X1, 1) or Exponential(X1). Seems only happen if X2 ~ Uniform(0, X1).
what version of turing are you using? Mine are v0.29.3 and v0.30, with both having the same issue. Did you see the same problem when sample size is 10^4 (actually I think that’s big enough if I am not mistaken).
Ah yes, this was a bug that was recently fixed. In short, the inference was actually performed correctly, but there was a bug in the code transforming the variables to the format we present it to the end-user. If you go to Turing 0.32 everything should work just fine again:)
Can confirm this works on my end with Turing.jl@0.32.3 and 10k samples (reproducible).
Did you see the same problem when sample size is 10^4 (actually I think that’s big enough if I am not mistaken).
Recommend looking at effective sample size (ESS) in the chain when considering “how many samples do I have”. Even if you run 10k iterations, the sampler could get stuck, but that would be indicated in the ESS.
When I run your code (again, on v0.32.3), with 10k iterations I consistently get >5k ESS, which is pleeeeenty for evaluating whether we’re getting the mean correctly:) And in my case, I consistently get 0.5 and 0.25 as expected