Setting up Makie on Mac

I had the same problem as this guy ( with Makie, so I decided to try just GLMakie to figure out what’s going on.

These are my steps, and relevant outputs in the order I performed those. (I’m on a 2016 MBP, with macOS Catalina)

  1. pkg> add GLMakie
    Precompiles successfully.

  2. pkg> test Makie

     Testing GLMakie
┌ Warning: Could not use exact versions of packages in manifest, re-resolving
└ @ Pkg.Operations /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:1526
ERROR: expected package `ReferenceTests [d37af2e0]` to be registered
  1. pkg> add ReferenceTests

  2. pkg> test ReferenceTests
    some deprecated warnings and this is the summary.

Test Summary:                         | Pass  Error  Total
ReferenceTests                        |   46      1     47
  io2str                              |    7             7
  withcolor                           |    3             3
  string as txt                       |   11            11
  string as unknown file type         |    1             1
  images as txt using ImageInTerminal |    2             2
  plain ansi string                   |    2             2
  string as SHA                       |    3             3
  images as SHA                       |    2             2
  images as PNG                       |    4             4
  Plots as PNG images                 |           1      1
  DataFrame as CSV                    |    2             2
  Create new .csv                     |    2             2
  Create new .png                     |    2             2
  Create new .txt                     |    2             2
  Create new image as txt             |    2             2
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 46 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
in expression starting at /Users/rajith/.julia/packages/ReferenceTests/1I8Dn/test/runtests.jl:21
ERROR: Package ReferenceTests errored during testing
  1. pkg> test GLMakie
    same output as (3)

  2. pkg> st ReferenceTests
    [324d217c] ReferenceTests v0.9.7

At this point, I’m not sure what to do next

  1. However I ran the following code segment on Juno (Atom)
using GLMakie


scene = Scene()

points = [Point2f0(cos(t), sin(t)) for t in LinRange(0, 2pi, 20)]
colors = 1:20
scatter!(scene, points, color = colors, markersize = 15)

everything ran without any issues, however, the output is only a white canvas (displayed at the line scene = Scene() ).

  1. I read somewhere that I may need to build GLMakie, so I did that by pkg> build GLMakie
    Building ModernGL → `~/.julia/scratchspaces/44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f/326957556e9cc9253615114c04bb0096a2a69bb8/build.log`
Precompiling project...
  2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 9 seconds (155 already precompiled)
  1. Trying code in (7) again. - same result.

I should note that scatter!(...) returns Scatter{Tuple{Vector{Point{2, Float32}}}}, while the documentation at states the following:

Scene (960px, 540px):
  2 Plots:
    ├ Combined{AbstractPlotting.axis2d,Tuple{Tuple{Tuple{Float32,Float32},Tuple{Float32,Float32}}}}
    └ Combined{AbstractPlotting.scatter,Tuple{Array{Point{2,Float32},1}}}
  1 Child Scene:
    └ Scene (960px, 540px)

which I do not get.

I’m unsure how to proceed from here. Could someone please give a hint on what I can try next.

Thank you!

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you are not up to date with the syntax. Plus, the documentation link that your are using is outdated. You should use this one.

Was this ever resolved? I’m having the same problem getting GLMakie to work (and no, those links do not help).

what do you get if you do:
in terminal

> mkdir test_glmakie
> cd test_glmakie
> julia
] activate .
pkg> add GLMakie
julia> using GLMakie
julia> lines(1:10) # enter


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That worked after typing it into the MacOS terminal (I had been using the VScode terminal). And when I run that line of code, a window pops up showing a simple line graph.

However, if I run “test GLMakie”, I get an error:

ERROR: expected package ReferenceTests [d37af2e0] to be registered.

Yeah tests aren’t working that easily locally without dev’ing Makie.
I think it’s totally fine not run them :wink:

Why? They should.

I never use that. In vscode I always use a bash terminal and start julia with julia --project in that terminal. The vscode terminal is slowish and you never really know what it is really doing, e.g. which julia parameter it uses.

Because it hasn’t been a priority! This is the first time in years someone running into it, so it certainly doesn’t look like something that should be high up my priority list.

I don’t think that’s generally advised.

Julia: Start REPL (shortcut Alt + J then Alt + O) - this is different from opening a VSCode terminal and launching Julia manually from there, because the integrated Julia REPL allows you to send code from files to the REPL directly.

Well, everything has advantages and disadvantages. You just need to find a workflow that works for you. I can only say that opening a VSCode terminal and launching Julia manually is faster and gives more reliable and reproducible results. The other way gives extra features. Your choice…