Hey out there!
I have the following problem. I want to set the font for all my plots in Make to a certain font, for example Times New Roman. The following is not working.
[276b4fcb] WGLMakie v0.8.3
julia> using WGLMakie
julia> function myplot()
fig, ax, s = scatter(rand(10), rand(10))
ax.xlabel = "Is this Times New Roman?"
ax.ylabel = "Is this Times New Roman?"
ax.title = "Is this Times New Roman?"
myplot (generic function with 1 method)
julia> mytheme = Theme(font = "Times New Roman", fontsize=40, marker=:xcross, markersize=30)
Attributes with 4 entries:
font => Times New Roman
fontsize => 40
marker => xcross
markersize => 30
julia> with_theme(myplot, mytheme)
This sets everything, except the font. Where is the problem?
And secondly I would like to know, where I can find all available fonts for Makie how to add new ones.
Thanks a lot!