LoadError: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Symbol, ::Int64)
in expression starting at D:\M A S T E R S S S S S S\chapter_4\work\codes\a-SCIP\ML-scip.jl:86
push_expr!(::SCIP.NonlinExpr, ::SCIP.ManagedSCIP, ::Expr) at nonlinear.jl:35
add_nonlinear_constraint(::SCIP.ManagedSCIP, ::Expr, ::Float64, ::Float64) at nonlinear.jl:180
set(::SCIP.Optimizer, ::MathOptInterface.NLPBlock, ::MathOptInterface.NLPBlockData) at nonlinear_constraints.jl:17
I searched for something like @expressions but found only @expression and @NLexpressions
there is no way to add multiple expressions like @NLexpressions ??
I doubted that I am still confused between @expression , @NLexpression and @constraint
so I hashed everything but making a model and adding the variables and optimizing it
but I found that there is a compilaton error
LoadError: Failed to precompile SCIP [82193955-e24f-5292-bf16-6f2c5261a85f] to C:\Users\mayar.madboly\.julia\compiled\v1.4\SCIP\a0EUw_U5N9T.ji.
For the compilation error, please exit Julia, restart, and if you still have the error, post the complete text of the error. Did you remember to set the SCIPOPTDIR environment variable?
for the macro @constraints, I can use it for something like that ?
JuMP.@constraints(m, begin
Bus_VoltageMagnitude_Constraint[i in Nodes_set], (0.9)^2<=(vRe[i])^2+(vIm[i])^2 <=(1.06)^2
Smax[i in Nodes_set, j in Nodes_set], pij[i,j]^2 + qij[i,j]^2 ≤ S[i,j]^2
Reactive_Nodal_Balance[i in Nodes_set], sum(qij[i,j] for j in Nodes_set) == q[i]+Qd[i]
Active_Nodal_Balance[i in Nodes_set], sum(pij[i,j] for j in Nodes_set) == p[i]+Pd[i]
given that qij and pij are defined using @expression not @NLexpression !
LoadError: MethodError: no method matching ^(::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64,JuMP.VariableRef}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
^(!Matched::Float16, ::Integer) at math.jl:885
^(!Matched::Regex, ::Integer) at regex.jl:712
^(!Matched::Missing, ::Integer) at missing.jl:155
in expression starting at D:\M A S T E R S S S S S S\chapter_4\work\codes\a-SCIP\ML-scip.jl:88