I am testing the ability to use MetaGraph to filter through a graph.
node 1 is the table which I want to metaindex with the type : “Source”.
This seems to work fine until I want to set the index (linenumber 4 in the blurp)
T1 = star_graph(6)
T1_nodelabel = ["T1","C1.1","C1.2","C1.3","C1.4","C1.5"]
mg = MetaGraph(T1, 3.0)
set_prop!(mg, 1, :type, "Source")
set_indexing_prop!(mg, :type)
gplot(mg, nodelabel=T1_nodelabel, nodelabelsize= 0.1, nodelabelc ="white")
I get this erro message:
julia> set_indexing_prop!(mg, :type)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching default_index_value(::Int64, ::Symbol, ::Set{String}; exclude=nothing)
Closest candidates are:
default_index_value(::Integer, ::Symbol, ::Set{Any}; exclude) at C:\Users\achen\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\SUjFO\src\MetaGraphs.jl:350
[1] set_indexing_prop!(::MetaGraph{Int64,Float64}, ::Symbol; exclude::Nothing) at C:\Users\achen\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\SUjFO\src\MetaGraphs.jl:378
[2] set_indexing_prop!(::MetaGraph{Int64,Float64}, ::Symbol) at C:\Users\achen\.julia\packages\MetaGraphs\SUjFO\src\MetaGraphs.jl:370
[3] top-level scope at REPL[57]:1
I can’t figure out what the problem is.
thanks in advance.