Senior Software Developer position at OPeNDAP (U.S. based)

Do you thrive on crafting innovative solutions for scientific data access? OPeNDAP is hiring a Senior Software Developer. The Senior Software Developer position is an upper-level role for OPeNDAP. We’re envisioning that this person will have a strong science and technology background, and, most importantly, a strong commitment to open source development. See the job announcement here: Senior Software Developer | OPeNDAP™.

The deadline for applications is July 15, 2024. To apply online, please use this form. If you have any questions about this role, you can reach out directly to James Gallagher at jgallagher(at)opendap(dot)org.

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Hi, sorry to hijack your post, but I am really curious why in all these positions from US companies/organizations there is a requirement of US citizenship or permanent residence.

Normally for research and high level positions in Europe there is no requirement of EU residency, so I wonder if these are choices of the companies to avoid some heavy paperwork, if instead there is some unsormontable legal constraint, or if is due to some contractual obligation…?

Just curious…

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Hi! In OPeNDAP’s case, it’s because the contract that this employee would work under is from a U.S. federal agency–NASA. NASA has a requirement that all contract employees specifically have US citizenship or permanent residency (a green card). I believe that national security is one of their concerns.

But that is a good question, and one that I would encourage you to ask of all employers that state this.