Run tests for a package outside ~/.julia/v0.6

I recently reorganized my packages and moved local ones outside ~/.julia/v0.6. This makes is easier for me to wipe everything when run into problems I can’t solve otherwise.

However, I found that Pkg.test does not work any more. Is there a hack/workaround that would allow me to run tests for local packages?

(I know that I can always symlink things back into ~/.julia/v0.6, I am interested in other solutions)

I looked at Pkg.test and now have a partial solution, which just needs a directory. The question is: how can I find the directory for a module? Then I would be all set.

function local_test(dir; coverage::Bool=false)
    test_path = joinpath(dir, "test", "runtests.jl")
    pkg = splitdir(dir)[2]
    @assert isfile(test_path) "Could not find $(test_path)" do
            color = Base.have_color? "--color=yes" : "--color=no"
            codecov = coverage? ["--code-coverage=user"] : ["--code-coverage=none"]
            compilecache = "--compilecache=" * (Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compilecache) ? "yes" : "no")
            julia_exe = Base.julia_cmd()
            run(`$julia_exe --check-bounds=yes $codecov $color $compilecache $test_path`)
            info("$pkg tests passed")
        catch err
            Base.Pkg.Entry.warnbanner(err, label="[ ERROR: $pkg ]")

This now works, but it makes assumptions about the directory structure which are hopefully standard:

    local_test(pkgname, [coverage])

Find and test a package in `LOAD_PATH`.
Useful when the package is outside `Pkg.dir()`.
function local_test(pkgname; coverage::Bool=false)
    module_path = Base.find_in_path(pkgname, nothing)
    src_dir, module_file = splitdir(module_path)
    dir = normpath(src_dir, "..")
    test_path = joinpath(dir, "test", "runtests.jl")
    @assert isfile(test_path) "Could not find $(test_path)" do
            color = Base.have_color? "--color=yes" : "--color=no"
            codecov = coverage? ["--code-coverage=user"] : ["--code-coverage=none"]
            compilecache = "--compilecache=" * (Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compilecache) ? "yes" : "no")
            julia_exe = Base.julia_cmd()
            run(`$julia_exe --check-bounds=yes $codecov $color $compilecache $test_path`)
            info("$module_file tests passed")
        catch err
            Base.Pkg.Entry.warnbanner(err, label="[ ERROR: $module_file ]")

Can’t you just set JULIA_PKGDIR to point to the new location?

Assuming that the module is accessible from LOAD_PATH, I am just using something like this when I run the tests locally:


For code coverage, I rely only on travis-ci.

Pkg.test has a few convenience like starting the script in a new process so there is no old state hanging around and stuff like segfaults doesn’t kill your main session.

Unfortunately not, Pkg.test will complain about the lack of METADATA. One could initialize it etc, but that is more hassle than just running the function above.