Help with runtest

I am new to julia and trying to create package. I am facing trouble with running the test cases and get the following error.
Testing Running tests…

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Test not found in current path:

  • Run import Pkg; Pkg.add("Test") to install the Test package.

The following is present in my toplevel Project.toml

julia = “1.7.1”

Test = “8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40”

test = [“Test”]

The following is what I did. I started julia from the shell (at the top level where my Project.toml is present)
julia --project

and then
] test

I don’t know how to proceed. Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

--project takes a directory as a parameter

so perhaps --project=. would solve your problem, assuming you are in the directory of your project

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Thanks a lot for the response. Meanwhile I have tried adding packge dependency in Project.toml present in the test folder and it works!. I am not sure if this is the right solution.

looking at the --help again

--project[={<dir>|@.}] Set <dir> as the home project/environment

It defaults to the current directory if not specified, that’s going to save me typing =. more often!

Thanks. This helps

IIRC, if specified without arg, it defaults to « @. », that is, the Base.current_project() (which should have been named englobing_project imho). It is the first directory up, starting with current, that contains a Project.toml, and, if none, the ~/.julia/environments/v1.x where 1.x is the current Julia version. Maybe I am picky, but this is a significant difference if non existing project that you want to use or create (eg., to create the project in current dir, either use —project=. , or ]activate ., not —project nor —project=@.)

That @ is a bit too magic for my liking. I prefer explicit arguments

It’s really simple

—project=dir, use dir/Project.toml

—project=., use ./Project.toml (it is really same as above, with dir=.)

—project=@string, use ~/.julia /environments/string/Project.toml, except if string is .

If no —project, default is @v1.7 if e.g. using Julia 1.7.x

If —project or —project=@., use englobing project : Base.current_project() - this can be ./Project.toml if it exists - BUT if it does not exists, check where it is before ]add or ]rm, because it could modify a Project.toml in an unexpected place.

You can check where is the activated project (the one operated upon) by ]status or Base.active_project()

IMHO, the interest of @string is to be able to share Projects in a common place; the interest of @. is for developing a package, e.g. launching Julia in package/src/ whence the Project is at package/Project.toml (in the directory one level up). So you can use julia —project whenever/anywhere developing inside subdirectories in a package/project, and use the same Project in all cases.

Sorry to be too much verbose …