I would like to superimpose a rotated grid to represent an alternative coordinate system in a plot. Right now I essentially translate an angle to a slope and plot the lines. When the angle parameter theta is zero, the grid is in the standard position and it works correctly. However, as the lines are rotated, the size of each cell shrinks to fit the plot, which throws off the coordinates. Is there a work around, or did I do something completely wrong instead?
using Plots
θ = .25
xs = range(-10, 10, length=21)
β1 = tan(θ * π)
v_grid = map(β0 → β0 .+ β1 * xs, range(-10, 10, length=21))
h_grid = map(β0 → β0 .- β1 * xs, range(-10, 10, length=21))
color = :black,
linewidth = .5,
framestyle = :origin,
xlims = (-10, 10),
ylims = (-10, 10),
grid = false,
leg = false,
color = :black,
linewidth = .5,

Do you want the original coordinate grid to be rigidly rotated? If so you need to use an orthogonal rotation matrix Q
to transform [x; y]
points to Q' * [x; y]
. I’ll revise your code to do this shortly.
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Yes. I believe it is a rigid rotation that I need. In other words, the size of each cell should be the same after rotation. Thank you for offering to help. Much appreciated.
This is probably not the most elegant, but it does the trick
θ = 0.2
N = 11
xs = range(-10, 10, length=N)
ys = range(-10, 10, length=N)
us = ones(N)
Q = [cos(θ) sin(θ) ; -sin(θ) cos(θ)] # rotation matrix
for n=1:N
xline = [xs ;; ys[n]*us] # a horizontal line
yline = [xs[n]*us ;; ys] # a vertical line
xlineQ = xline*Q # rotated horizontal line
ylineQ = yline*Q # rotated vertical line
plot!(xlineQ[:,1], xlineQ[:,2], color=:black, label="")
plot!(ylineQ[:,1], ylineQ[:,2], color=:black, label="")

Thank you again! It looks like this should work. I will try to integrate it with my code once I get a chance
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It looks like everything will work after some minor tweaks. I will add this as a solution.
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As a complement to John’s nice solution, one could exploit the functionality of Plots.jl
which allows plotting matrices (and arrays of matrices) by columns to write this in a compact form, without loops:
rotx(x,y,θ) = cosd(θ)*x - sind(θ)*y # use scalar functions
roty(x,y,θ) = sind(θ)*x + cosd(θ)*y # for easier broadcasting
x, y = range(-15, 15, step=1), range(-15, 15, step=1) # grid ranges and steps
xx, yy = x .* ones(length(y))', ones(length(x)) .* y' # create master meshgrid
xr, yr = rotx.(xx,yy,20), roty.(xx,yy,20) # create rotated meshgrid
using Plots; gr(dpi=600)
plot( [xr, xr'], [yr, yr'], lc=:blues, lw=0.2) # plot master grid
plot!([xx, xx'], [yy, yy'], lc=:black, lw=0.2) # plot rotate grid
plot!(legend=false, lim=(-10,10), box=:origin, ratio=1)
Very nice! As always, thanks for your help.