I want to make it into something like this, where the grey grid lines (so I want them removed as well) are replaced with the black ones I drew in paint:
Whenever I search “grid” on Google in connection with Julia it tells me about subplots etc. so I struggle a bit with finding the correct wording to do as I want.
Indeed, it might be nice to have that feature added to Plots.jl. I suggest you open a new “issue” for your feature request in the Plots.jl repository:
→ Issues · JuliaPlots/Plots.jl · GitHub
Otherwise, the dev team may never add it to their “todo list”.
Note that the origin and grid lines will always display as desired, even if you pan/zoom in/out of the plot (ex: using ctrl+mousewheel or RMB+box-zoom)
Adding InspectDR
Note: you will have to install/add InspectDR to your Julia environment to get this to work:
] add InspectDR
Alternative 2
Another alternative is, of course, to directly use the backend that best suits your needs in cases where the Plots.jl module cannot achieve what you are looking to do.
Don’t forget: you can still make a feature request by opening an “issue” in Plots.jl for the next time! Who knows? you might end up implementing the feature yourself!