I am trying to convert a Python script to Julia, using the package Images
. To compute the Gaussian filtered gradient of images, the python scipy use scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, σ, order=(1,0))
and scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, σ, order=(0,1))
to get each component of the filtered gradient.
See scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter for the doc.
See Gradient of a Signal for more about derivatives of Gaussian.
I’ve checked the methods ImageFiltering.imfilter
, ImageFiltering.imgradients
and the kernels ImageFiltering.Kernel.gaussian
, ImageFiltering.Kernel.DoG
in the doc.
However, ImageFiltering.Kernel.DoG
is not a kernel for derivative of gaussian, but for difference of two gaussian filters. ImageFiltering.imgradients
seems not to work with KernelFactors.gaussian
Is there an equivalent method for this? Or should I find some workaround.