REPL hangs in Julia 1.11


I’m experiencing some failures in compilation, the REPL freezes when executing this code:

julia> using Clapeyron
julia> model = PCSAFT("water");
julia> saturation_pressure(model, 298.0) #REPL freezes here

Using Ctrl+C and then calling the offending method again seems to fix the issue (sometimes)

My main question is, how to diagnose what is going on?

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FWIW julia --trace-compile=stderr -e 'using Clapeyron; model = PCSAFT("water"); saturation_pressure(model, 298.0)' keeps compiling ever more complicated method signatures, related to StaticArrays.jl and ForwardDiff.jl, and the final “hang” (maybe not really a hang, perhaps there’s just too much code in the method body?) seems to be in LLVM. This was with nightly Julia.

I see, i’m gonna check what i can do.