ReferenceFrameRotations v0.5.0 has been tagged

Hi guys!

This is not directly related to Astro/Space, but I did not find a more appropriate local to post this.

I have just tagged the v0.5.0 do ReferenceFrameRotations.jl. Now, we have full support for the four different rotation representations supported by the package: Direction Cosine Matrices (DCM), Euler Angle and Axis, Euler Angles, and Quaternions.

Hence, for example, we can compose rotations using Euler Angles:

julia> Θ₁ = EulerAngles(pi/3,pi/4,pi/5,:XYZ)
  R(X):   1.0472 rad (  60.0000 deg)
  R(Y):   0.7854 rad (  45.0000 deg)
  R(Z):   0.6283 rad (  36.0000 deg)

julia> Θ₂ = EulerAngles(pi,pi/2,pi/2,:YXY)
  R(Y):   3.1416 rad ( 180.0000 deg)
  R(X):   1.5708 rad (  90.0000 deg)
  R(Y):   1.5708 rad (  90.0000 deg)

julia> Θ₂*Θ₁
  R(Y):  -2.0344 rad (-116.5651 deg)
  R(X):   0.9117 rad (  52.2388 deg)
  R(Y):   0.0564 rad (   3.2315 deg)

The same applies for Euler Angle and Axis:

julia> ea1 = EulerAngleAxis(1, [0;1;0])
  Euler angle:   1.0000 rad ( 57.2958 deg)
   Euler axis: [  0.0000,   1.0000,   0.0000]

julia> ea2 = EulerAngleAxis(1, [0;0;1])
  Euler angle:   1.0000 rad ( 57.2958 deg)
   Euler axis: [  0.0000,   0.0000,   1.0000]

julia> ea2*ea1
  Euler angle:   1.3834 rad ( 79.2651 deg)
   Euler axis: [  0.3603,   0.6596,   0.6596]

We can also convert between any two rotation descriptions using the function <representation 1>_to_<representation 2> like:

julia> Θ₁ = EulerAngles(pi/3,pi/4,pi/5,:XYZ)
  R(X):   1.0472 rad (  60.0000 deg)
  R(Y):   0.7854 rad (  45.0000 deg)
  R(Z):   0.6283 rad (  36.0000 deg)

julia> angle_to_dcm(Θ₁)
3×3 StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3,3},Float64,2,9}:
  0.572061   0.789312  0.223006
 -0.415627   0.044565  0.908443
  0.707107  -0.612372  0.353553

julia> angle_to_quat(Θ₁)
  + 0.7018154679091262 + 0.5417432513768273.i + 0.17244580102463125.j + 0.4292222551314542.k

julia> angle_to_angleaxis(Θ₁)
  Euler angle:   1.5857 rad ( 90.8543 deg)
   Euler axis: [  0.7605,   0.2421,   0.6025]

The documentation of the package can be found here Home · Reference Frame Rotations