Quaternion to Euler angles

How can I convert a quaternion into Euler angles?

Not working:

using Rotations
q = Float32[0.51791805, 0.48140272, -0.4814214, -0.5179244]

This fails with a dimension mismatch error.

See: Euler Angles · Rotations.jl

That’s probably because RotXYZ expects a rotation? This works for me:

using Rotations
q = QuatRotation(0.51791805, 0.48140272, -0.4814214, -0.5179244)
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Nice, one step further. But I want to get three angles, roll, pitch and yaw? How can I calculate them?


Thanks, this works:

julia> Rotations.params(RotXYZ(q))
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):

Now I only need to check if this is really roll, pitch and yaw.